
art above by Willowfern


Basic info
Age-18 moons
Gender- Male he/him
Sexuality- bi female leaning
clan/rank- Thunderclan-warrior
Purrks-just a scratch
Former names-Fallingkit-Fallingpaw-Falling kit-Fallingpaw-Risingstorm
Former ranks-Kit,Apprentice,kit,apprentice,warrior

Risingstorm is a tall and lanky cat with a white pelt with tabby splotches and green eyes. He has several scars from raids he participated in. The most noticeable scar is on his hind leg, leaving him with a limp that will stick with him for the rest of his life.

Risingstorm is a goofball at times, yet he is a hard worker who sometimes has strong opinions. He got himself into trouble a few times , but he perseveres no matter what he faces and is more than willing to help the clan and his clan mates

Big brother falling
When Risingstorm was demoted to kit after failing to complete a task given to him by Bumblestar, he stayed in the nursery for quite some time. During his stay, he discovered a love for kits, and many kits enjoyed his company in the nursery.

base by googaoo


Wolfhive: Wolfhive is a good friend. Even though he and Risingstorm have two different personalities, they seem to get along just fine.Dovefluff: Dovefluff is like a mother to Risingstorm, comforting him as he lay close to death on the battlefield. Risingstorm is forever grateful and will always be in her debt.Drizzlecloud/Springlight: Oh yes, the medicine cats. Falling is lucky they are around; he would be dead without them, especially Drizzlecloud, who aided him after he fell in battle.MireMallow- his mentor who taught him all he knows but where was she now?Thunderclan: His home, his heart, his life.


ShadowClan: Considering he is part ShadowClan, he still has a disliking for it. Additionally, another cat who he thought was his friend lives there as well.


RiverClan: The "walking fish" don't deserve to call themselves a clan, from poisoning the clan to killing a deputy.Yellow-what's-his-name?: Official enemy.

by spider